Where do you get a repossessed car list of vehicles for sale in South Africa? And what bank repossessions can you buy at car auctions? If you are looking for an inventory of bank repo motor vehicles then look no further. We discuss the online catalogues on offer listing bank repo vehicles that are available for you to buy.

The banks in South Africa are having to reclaim large quantities of vehicles each month. Because people are in arrears on their finance repayments or not able to pay at all.
Repossessed car lists that let you browse the lineup of vehicles:
- Absa repossessed car list
- Standard Bank repossessions
- Nedbank repossessed car list
- FNB repossessed car list
One reason people have their cars repossessed by banks in the country is because people have sadly lost jobs and businesses.
As heartbreaking as this is for some it does present an opportunity to buy a new set of wheels for a lower price than usual.
Absa Repossessed Car List
If you want a list of Absa repossessed cars for sale at upcoming auctions you can visit this website.
Whether it’s a sedan or a hatchback you’re after the vehicles available at Absa car auctions offer a wide selection.
Absa bank car auctions happen at their trade centres. These can be found in Gauteng, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town.
When you view the lists of vehicles for sale you will also see the day, date and time of the event.
In addition Absa offer regular live online car auctions for sales of vehicles they have had to recover.
Standard Bank Repossessions
Standard Bank is another creditor that has to reclaim vehicles due to non-payments. You can get a list of vehicle repossessions from Standard Bank on this website.
Here you can bid on models at live online auctions. They have a wide variety so if you are looking for something cheap they have repossessed cars selling for under R50,000 and under R100,000.
If you register on the site you will have access to their short list. So you will be able to browse all models available in the lineup of bank repo cars much quicker.
Nedbank Repossessed Car List
Nedbank sell their repossessed cars at MFC car auctions in South Africa. On the MFC website you can view upcoming repossessed car auctions and browse listings of vehicles for sale.
Visit the website here: https://www.mfcauctions.co.za/simulcast-calendar
Similarly to the other banks, Nedbank have a wide index of vehicles you can buy that the bank has had to recover due to non-payments. So view and download their catalogue to have a look at what makes and models are available and the dates of Nedbank car auctions online.
You can register and sign up for the auctions on the website.
FNB Repossessed Car List
FNB car repossessions are handled by Wesbank in South Africa which is their vehicle finance division. So you can browse upcoming bank repo auctions and a list of cars available through the website.
Visit the Wesbank website here: https://www.wesbank.co.za/auctions/
It’s a handy site that allows you to view the catalogue of FNB repossessed vehicles for sale. As well as finding out the day, date and time of upcoming Wesbank auctions.
Auctions take place once a week and the inventory can change the day before the event so be aware of this.
To Summarize
We have learnt that you can get catalogues that list details of vehicle repossessions from banks in South Africa.
So whether you are looking to buy repossessed cars from Absa, Standard Bank, Nedbank or FNB be sure to have a good look at the vehicle listings. As well as times and dates of the upcoming auctions.
In addition have a search online for vehicle repossessions from other banks such as Capitec or African Bank.
With a bit of homework and enough research you can pick up a bargain car from the auctions by using the lists of makes and models available.
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